“The world was made round, so we can’t see too far ahead”

Life generally feels more comfortable, when our internal compass is steady and we know where we are and have a fair idea of where we’re headed.
Like so many of us, my compass is spinning, so many plans and sureties suddenly derailed. Everything seems to be in limbo, on hold, uncertain.
Normal life is a kaleidoscope of colour and variety. Full of every day connections, a myriad of small interactions that make up the rhythm of our days. With these come so much of our purpose and security in life.
Suddenly, we are all living in micro climates within our individual households, distanced from extended family, and friends. It can feel as if life is being played out in a bubble. Worries and frustrations are magnified. It’s so easy to lose perspective and to retreat from the friends who normally help us to regain our equilibrium.
Mindfulness teaches us to live moment to moment. When we’re all feeling such uncertainty, being in the moment can feel like a tall order. It feels counter intuitive not to look too far ahead.
However, sometimes when I have felt most lost, it has been when I’ve found a new path. Maybe there are times when it’s ok not to know what’s ahead. Maybe it’s an opportunity to reevaluate, a breathing space to learn about ourselves and what matters to us most. Perhaps we have an opportunity to think creatively, to try new things or to stop and enjoy the view from where we are.
If life can be simplified to a step by step, moment to moment occupation, then maybe, when we can finally look up and see the way ahead, we will be surprised to find that we have covered a lot of ground, meanwhile and are well on our way !


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